Sunday, August 23, 2009

being a celebrity don't mean shit to me

Saturdays are the best. Wake up late, grab a late lunch with girlfriends, and spend the rest of the day lounging around in the sun. In a sudden desire to immerse ourselves in structured urban planning, Lillie and I headed to "West Midtown" to mingle with plaid wearing former frat boys. (Not. Also, I put the area in quotes because it's obviously some made-up name urban planners used to market what used to be prime area for hustling and ho-ing.)

We had sandwiches at Star Provisions along with Mexican wedding cookies before wandering around the various boutiques and design houses. I fell in love with the plastic Eames chairs at Room and Board but balked at the price tag. I suppose it would make more sense to pay $250 for chairs than a pair of shoes, but the rationale doesn't quite work out in my head. Maybe that's proof I'm not yet an adult.

t-shirt. French Connection. sweat shorts. DIY Uniqlo. jacket. Zara. shoes. Japanese street market.


  1. beautiful pictures, the shoes look fantastic on you out!

  2. Thanks. Im so glad you like my Etsy. I will be adding alot of new items in the next 2 weeks. The feather skirt can be done in different colors. I can give you a list of colors if you want them. Also the feathers are fairly delicate. I send extra feathers with the skirt just in case, over time, the fall off. Thats expected with any handmade item.

    I never heard about the fairy tale dinner party. I need to look that up. It sounds amazing.

  3. Oh I agree with your cynicism. The building Room and Board is in? Used to be a warehouse that they rented to hipsters as apartments/garage band living spaces. Before that? A slaughterhouse.

    I can't decide how I feel about these yuppie changes. On one hand, it's totally artificial. On the other, I sure do like fancy furniture stores...
