Sunday, November 29, 2009

heard you're new in town, want someone to show you around?

A g-chat snippet:

Rahul: friday was so bootleg. our friend fell on his face adn busted his lip open and was bleeding everywhere
and we thought he had a concussion so we took him to the ER
it was a hot mess
me: omgggggg
Rahul: straight guys are so dumb
they really are, they are always doing extremely dangerous things for no good reason
Can't wait to see my bunny again. Check out his blog: it's design orientated since he's studying industrial design.

I'm really obsessed with these boots - actually with the Stella McCartney FW08 shoe collection. But finding a way to wear over the knee boots without appearing to be a lady of the night is more challenging than I thought. Attaching metal plates to the shoes are genius. I want to get mine engraved.


dress. Shipley & Halmos for Uniqlo. boots. Stella McCartney.


  1. Love the pictures, I thought it was the ad campaign for a sec.

  2. I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU HAVE THOSE BOOTS. seriously. i feel like i'm going to have a panic attack. these are the things my dreams are made of.

  3. I thought the ring was lost and I didn't want to say anything because I felt so much guilt! haha. I can't wait to get it! Don't worry <3

    Those boots are mindblowing amazing! What would you get engraved onto them? Lyrics or like "MY BOOTS ARE BETTER THAN YOURS" haha.

  4. Love the boots! And thanks for commenting on my blog.

  5. i wouldnt have been able to get my fat calves in those! ahhh thigh highs are so great at hiding knobby knees. god i need those. except i would majorly fail at rocking them.

  6. uh muh goddd. they look so amazing on you.

  7. Hell yeah, they are gooooorgeous!!! What would get engraved on them? It's rather exciting just thinking about the possibilities lol. Hope you're having a lovely week :)

  8. So those are amazing!

    And your hair looks good too... Do you get it done in town?

    btw- sorry for dropping off the face of the earth! Finals are wrapped up now and I am free for brunches for 6 weeks.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I died a little... no a lot... when I saw these on you. So jealous times a million.


  11. fuck yeah these are the best!
    oh and ruby has an online store..
    hope it helps!

