Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sólo en un instante muerdes todo.

I've been feeling a bit underwhelmed lately by my closet. I was going to write a paragraph expounding upon the importance of a well fitting, classic trench, but I decided not to bore you. Instead, I'm going to discuss camping/mountain cabins/outdoor living. I lump all those words into one topic in the sense that I don't get the hype. There is nothing romantic or attractive about having no access to the wonders of indoor plumbing and general disregard for daily hygiene. And with the mosquitoes that fly around Georgia's wooded areas, why risk contracting West Nile virus?

I only do fabled nature, like that scene in "Pride and Prejudice" where Keira Knightley contemplates at the edge of the mountains. (Or when she takes that walk at the end in the digital steppes. Who else thinks that they fucked up with the too fake green screen?)

I suppose it's contradictory that I'm going to Bonnaroo next month.


coat. Uniqlo. grey dress. Jenni Kayne. wedges. Faryl Robin. hat. American Apparel.


  1. Ack!!!! You are going to Bonnarooo??? I'm so freakin' jealous ;)

    And your comment about the digital steppes is dead on- hahaha!

    Cath and I will be camping again this summer. That's twice in one year (before this, I had avoided it for 12 years). The result of having a semi-outdoorsy bf. If you threw some awesome bands in with the outdoor living, I'd be all for that.

  2. The hat definitely makes the whole the wedges too.

  3. You look devine in that hat..and the shades too.

  4. Love the hat and trench! It makes you seem like a mysterious spy! :-)

  5. love the hat and loveee the wedges!! I havent been in Uniqlo in ages!! I need to go there soon :)

  6. I went to Bonnaroo in 2003 and 2004 - what an experience. David Bryne was by far the best performance! - Nice jacket

  7. LOVE that outfit! especially sunglasses!

    the wedges stand out so well when the rest is neutral:)

  8. I love this!! Especially the shoes! :)
