Monday, January 12, 2009

it's written in my stars

I spent a good portion of last night reading my horoscope on (It was rather long.) It said that I'm supposed to meet some hot menz in the first week of January. Uhhh, hello? I haven't even scraped across a beat up version of Prince Charming yet. Well, I'm still holding out hope. Maybe he will drive by in his white Mustang, which will break down promptly in front of me (because we all know Fords make shitty cars), and I will impress him with my big ass H&M fur coat.

... at least a girl can dream, right?

But seriously, has a horoscope ever worked out for you? Because I'm totally convinced that romantically, horoscopes are a bust.

dress. Diesel. sweater. Zara. shoes. AMcQueen for Puma. scarf. A. Wang. bag. Surface 2 Air.


  1. I like this outfit.

    And no, horoscopes has worked out for me haha.

  2. They tend to never work for me. Unless its so vague that it could work for anyone.

    I like the outfit. I love the bag <3

    I also had a question about the surface 2 air ring you wear sometimes. I was thinking about getting it (or the 2 finger one) but noticed the sizes are sm, m, lg and all i know is that i'm size 7-6. how did you pick the size?

  3. love the shoes!

  4. horoscopes always do the ah ha afterwards because you recognize it... as for the future part.. no clue.. doubt it...

    but a girl can dream honey!! dream away... believe me for a good week i was madly in love with edward cullen... it was a great week... (ok i will never repeat that again)

  5. stepheekubo: my fingers are really small. My forefinger is a 6, the middle is a 5.5, and my ring is a 4.5. I just naturally knew to get a small, but I think a medium should work in your case. The ring shouldn't fit perfectly, and it's going to be a bit loose. But it's not going to fall off, trust me. Hope this helps!

  6. there was a year where i actually purchased those horoscope books that forecast your days for the entire year... and i read it pretty religiously. i don't have an impression if it 'guided' me any better than my lousy spider sense does but heck, i think that book did it for me. no more horoscope reading since then!

  7. I too read that site like a crazy person at the beginning of the month. The stuff about finding love never works for me. Some things I found to be true, but in general not so much. And your SHOES, gahhhhhhh.

  8. astrology... i love it, and have been reading it/obsessing over it since a young age. compatibility and character attributes: very true. specific predictions of meeting people: more than likely bullshit.

  9. ur pictures are soooo SOOOO good. *bow*

    excuse my beauty! haha

  10. Looove the bag and shoes!!!! And that scarf looks wonderful. I always dread reading my horoscopes, I somehow manage to change between two starsigns depending on horoscope, and then they always seem to say rather wonderful things that never come to fruition lol.

  11. thanks for your sweet comment!

    i SO want horiscopes to work because mine are usually pretty good. plus i am on the cusp of taurus/aries so i can choose which one to go with...but mmmmm, they don't seem to hold up their end of the bargain.

    then again...i need to get a huge faux fur to hold up mine!!!!


  12. Okay, I love everything about your outfit and I particularly want your bag and shoes!
    I can't believe you mentioned astrologyzone! I just read about it in Missbehave, and they swore it was always accurate. So... maybe prince charming is getting a late start and/or the first week of the jan. is really the entire month (you know how it is- always a slow start to the new year ;)

  13. i have never had a horoscope hold true for me. i lost all hope this past semester though. my astronomy teacher said that according to the placement of the stars and the movement of the earth, the sky has shifted so in reality the horoscopes that held true years and years ago aren't true now and most people aren't truly the zodiac sign that they think they are -- it's either the one before or after that you think you are. it's insane. if you google it you will probably find it on the internet.

  14. Love the bag! From your Paris trip I suppose?

  15. cool trainers/brogues! :D

    xx-LJ from SOS!
